نبذة عن NOA Real Estate

About NOA Real Estate Since 2011 we have been licensed in Cairo in Egypt and have long been passionately active in the Egyptian Real Estate market. 2011 was an exciting year for us in many ways, not only because we discovered our passion for real estate in Egypt. NOA Real Estate in Cairo & Hurghada is a company, was born from many experiences, but also from a deep and passionate relationship with Egypt. It is most important for us to maintain a trustful and personal relationship with all our clients and business partners. We work ourselves and constantly for the fulfillment of your dreams of living at the Red Sea. With many colleagues, developers we have created a manageable but reliable network. We are there for our clients long after the signing of the sales contract, we take care of the renovation and protection of your property together with you. We are pleased that you have found your way to us and are always personally available for you. Message Heidi Gohar
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