Smart Village Real Estate
49 العقارات المتوفرة
العنوان:Office B16, Building Building B16, 6th of October City, Smart Village, Phase 1, Giza,
Smart Village Real Estate
نبذة عن Smart Village Real Estate
Smart Village Real Estate Investment Company “SVREICO”, a subsidiary of Naeem Holding Company established in 2007, is a real estate private equity firm that primarily focuses on investing in high-end real estate facilities. The company core business is to develop
institutional facilities in Smart Village that can cater to corporate and prominent operators.
SVREICO has a total land bank of 25,000 m2 in Smart Village with potential BUA of 120,000 m2 & a greenery landscape of 45,000 m2. The company plans to develop an integrated business/service park over two phases with a total of 12 buildings and $150 million CAPEX.
SVREICO is committed to meet the satisfaction of its valued tenants and investors by delivering a state of the art administrative, commercial and service units through its implementation of the most sophisticated and elegant designs & techniques.
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