12Apartment3,209,000 EGP72 m with garden open view at 320K DP over 7 yearsHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 72 sqm
7Apartment2,000,000 EGPresale apt|special discount until end of the yearHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 100 sqm
10Apartment1,900,000 EGPResale apt+Garden October Seize the opportunity.Hay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 100 sqm
12Apartment3,800,000 EGPUnit 81m in Skyla phase at 380K DP over 84 monthsHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 81 sqm
5Apartment1,890,000 EGPApt resale ready to move | special price |OctoberHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 50 sqm
5Apartment1,900,000 EGPResale apt |old price without commissions OctoberHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 49 sqm
9Apartment4,500,000 EGPDown payment: 450,000 EGPOwn in the newest stages of trees as soon possibleHay El Ashgar, Al Wahat Road, 6 October City, Giza 1 1 81 sqm