EGP 7,200,000
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,572 sqft / 146 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN NEW SMOUHA, SMOUHAApartment for resale 146m Skyline Compound - 7,200,000 EGP Payment facilities over 3 years
Agent: Hana Mohamed 01070757617
3 rooms (including a dressing room) - 2 bathrooms - 2-piece reception
3rd floor
View Plaza
Maintenance payment paid
Compound features:
Vast green spaces in most areas, fully integrated hotel apartments
Medical services and administrative offices, fully integrated business complex
Sports club, restaurant and cafe complex
Major commercial area and fully integrated mall
International school
Code: p250193
Apartment for resale Skyline Compound
Palmjumeirah Resalstate Sales
To contact us: 035850387 - 01070757560
To honor you at the company's headquarters: 234 Abdel Salam Aref Laurent Street, 6th floor
Apartment for resale 146m Skyline Compound
Agent: Hana Mohamed 01070757617
3 rooms (including a dressing room) - 2 bathrooms - 2-piece reception
3rd floor
View Plaza
Maintenance payment paid
Compound features:
Vast green spaces in most areas, fully integrated hotel apartments
Medical services and administrative offices, fully integrated business complex
Sports club, restaurant and cafe complex
Major commercial area and fully integrated mall
International school
Code: p250193
Apartment for resale Skyline Compound
Palmjumeirah Resalstate Sales
To contact us: 035850387 - 01070757560
To honor you at the company's headquarters: 234 Abdel Salam Aref Laurent Street, 6th floor
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,572 sqft / 146 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 43% more than the average price of 3 bedroom in Alexandria
Average Sale Price is 5,031,947 EGP
This property is 14% smaller than the average size of 3 bedroom in Alexandria
Average size is 170 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Alexandria
Provided by

Hana mohammed

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