EGP 3,200,000
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
1,292 sqft / 120 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN SPORTING, HAY SHARQApartment for sale - Sporting - area 120 meters
The tenth floor and the property consists of 14 floors
Consists of:
▪️Two rooms
▪️ Reception 3 pieces
▪️1 bathroom
▪️2 elevators
▪️Luxury finishing
▪️ Licensed and metered (electricity - water - gas)
▪️Code: 0275
◾Sale price: 3 million and 200 thousand EGP.
For inquiries and to schedule an inspection, please contact the real estate agent’s number
Mr. Mahmoud Hussein Al-Sery: 01149770770
Or contact WhatsApp [link not available]
Watch the unit's video:
If you want to sell or rent your unit, contact us on 01103930555
03 3934006 - 03 3934007
Apartment for sale - Sporting - area 120 meters
The tenth floor and the property consists of 14 floors
Consists of:
▪️Two rooms
▪️ Reception 3 pieces
▪️1 bathroom
▪️2 elevators
▪️Luxury finishing
▪️ Licensed and metered (electricity - water - gas)
▪️Code: 0275
◾Sale price: 3 million and 200 thousand EGP.
For inquiries and to schedule an inspection, please contact the real estate agent’s number
Mr. Mahmoud Hussein Al-Sery: 01149770770
Or contact WhatsApp [link not available]
Watch the unit's video:
If you want to sell or rent your unit, contact us on 01103930555
03 3934006 - 03 3934007
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,292 sqft / 120 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs the same as the average price of 2 bedroom in Alexandria
Average Sale Price is 3,205,050 EGP
This property is the same size as the average size of 2 bedroom in Alexandria
Average size is 120 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Alexandria
Provided by
mahmoud elserry
Regulatory information
Regulatory information
2 months ago
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