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Apartment for sale 125m from Marriott
Hotel apartment for sale 125 meters finished with air conditioners + hotel services
The most important places near Marriott Residences Heliopolis
Marriott Residences Heliopolis is located near City Stars only 5 minutes.
Marriott Residences Heliopolis is only 15 minutes away from New Cairo.
The project is 10 minutes away from Cairo International Airport.
Marriott Residences Heliopolis is located near a group of other distinguished hotels.
Marriott Residences Heliopolis Services and Facilities
- Marriott Residences Heliopolis has a full hotel service.
- A high-end hotel restaurant.
- Marriott Residences Heliopolis includes a café with wonderful seating.
- Security services that operate directly around the clock.
- A group of distinguished facilities and services at Marriott Residences Heliopolis.
- The project includes periodic maintenance services.
- Cleaning services are carried out periodically in order to maintain the global appearance of the project.
- Marriott Residences Heliopolis features a children's entertainment area.
- Various green spaces in Marriott Residences Heliopolis give a distinctive view of the project.
- 5 swimming pools within the project
- 4 gym, spa and jacuzzi
Down payment of 1,960,000 and the rest in installments over 6 years + discount on cash
For communication, inquiries and a video of the apartment, call me on
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,345 sqft / 125 sqm
Central A/C
Shared Pool
Shared Spa
View of Landmark
Shared Gym
Children's Pool

Price Insights
This property costs 374% more than the average price of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 4,132,603 EGP
This property is 2% smaller than the average size of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 127 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
Esraa Ahmed

Oaks Real Estate
See all properties (467)Regulatory information
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9 days ago
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