EGP 3,600,000
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,884 sqft / 175 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN NEW NARGES, NEW CAIRO CITYApartment for sale in New Narges, New Cairo City
Apartment in New Nargs _New Cairo
Direct on Gamal Abdelnaser street
Delivery 5 Months
garden : 91 SQM
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Down payment : 3,600,000
Price: 4,900,000 EGP
The New Narges area is located on an area of 413 acres - approximately 1,650 residential buildings - and is divided into 7 neighborhoods - each neighborhood has its own service area and green zone.
The land areas are very distinctive, with an average area of 450 square meters. It consists of a ground floor and three floors, with two apartments per floor only. It is considered one of the areas with privacy and low population density in the Fifth Settlement.
It derives its infrastructure from its neighboring areas because it is already in the middle of residential areas – a completely new water and electricity network and roads.
Apartment For Sale in New Narges _New Cairo
Apartment in New Nargs _New Cairo
Direct on Gamal Abdelnaser street
Delivery 5 Months
garden : 91 SQM
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Down payment : 3,600,000
Price: 4,900,000 EGP
The New Narges area is located on an area of 413 acres - approximately 1,650 residential buildings - and is divided into 7 neighborhoods - each neighborhood has its own service area and green zone.
The land areas are very distinctive, with an average area of 450 square meters. It consists of a ground floor and three floors, with two apartments per floor only. It is considered one of the areas with privacy and low population density in the Fifth Settlement.
It derives its infrastructure from its neighboring areas because it is already in the middle of residential areas – a completely new water and electricity network and roads.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,884 sqft / 175 sqm
Walk-in Closet
View of Water
View of Landmark
Shared Gym
Lobby in Building
Children's Pool

Price Insights
This property costs 60% less than the average price of 3 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 9,097,950 EGP
This property is the same size as the average size of 3 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 175 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
Emmanuel Osama

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