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Ready to move in the best location in W Signature
- The American University is located just 5 minutes from W Signature Compound.
- Cairo International Airport is a short distance from W Signature New Cairo.
- 5 mins away from Mohamed Nagib axis
Area : 164 Metter
Garden : 40 Metter
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Ready to move
Equal Installments till 2029
* Pools for all internists, also a private one for ladies.
* The Best Internet services in all the units of the compound.
* Famous restaurants, besides the coffee shops.
* Electronic gates surround the whole compound of W signature.
* Extensive garages also car care service.
* Outdoor areas for BBQs and parties.
* Playgrounds for different sports and stadiums.
* Security team, besides CCTV cameras 24/7.
* Many ATMs for each Bank in W Signature Compound.
* Commercial malls, besides the famous brands' stores.
* Medical center, besides Pharmacies with 24/7 service.
* Systems for emergencies, besides the generators.
* Transportation facilities, and also tracks for the handicapped.
* Cycling Lanes, also Tracks for walking.
* Kids' Area with the safest games.
* Equipped Gym, besides the spa services with the highest quality.
* Teams for different works in the compound.
W Signature New Cairo Compound is one of the largest residential projects that The Waterway developments established lately. The company chose the most premium location to be located near important roads and vital places for easy mobility for all customers without taking long distances, as it is located in the heart of the Fifth Settlement. In addition to the company's great interest in providing a wide range of various services and public facilities that come with high-quality technologies, besides providing it with various recreational activities that give all customers a more luxurious standard of living. The developer Company, The Waterway Developments was also keen to provide a large segment of various units.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,765 sqft / 164 sqm
2 + Maid
Maids Room
Central A/C
Private Garden
Private Pool
Shared Pool
Shared Spa
Covered Parking

Price Insights
This property costs 126% more than the average price of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 9,066,145 EGP
This property is 23% bigger than the average size of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 133 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
Everline Real Estate

EverLine RealEstate
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1 month ago
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