EGP 5,890,800
2 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1,367 sqft / 127 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN BOARDWALK, NEW CAPITAL CITY- Apartment for sale in BOARD WALK in the Administrative Capital.
- Apartment area is 127 square meters.
- The apartment is divided into:
- 2 bedrooms with master
- 2 master toilet
- Reception 2 pieces
- 2 terraces
- There is a gym - a spa - a Jacuzzi - a kids area - a swimming pool inside the compound - there is a tourist promenade with a special landscape for the compound - there is a club house with playgrounds
Total apartment price: 5,890,800 cash or installments
Apartment for sale, close receipt, new capital
- Apartment area is 127 square meters.
- The apartment is divided into:
- 2 bedrooms with master
- 2 master toilet
- Reception 2 pieces
- 2 terraces
- There is a gym - a spa - a Jacuzzi - a kids area - a swimming pool inside the compound - there is a tourist promenade with a special landscape for the compound - there is a club house with playgrounds
Total apartment price: 5,890,800 cash or installments
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
1,367 sqft / 127 sqm
Shared Gym

Price Insights
This property costs 14% more than the average price of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 5,167,068 EGP
This property is the same size as the average size of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 126 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
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karim salah

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6 months ago