EGP 3,616,000
1 Bedroom
1 Bathroom
721 sqft / 67 sqm
(Highest Premium L010) on Main Street
Steps from Central Park
Booking December 2023
67m... 2nd floor repeated
Paid: 323,625
Total price including club: 3,616,880
Price difference from company: 2 million
Installment over 13 years
Monthly installments start from: 9,360
Annual installments start from: 93,600
About our company:
Good Deal Real Estate Investment Company was established in 2020 with the aim of providing exceptional investment and marketing solutions in the Egyptian real estate market. Good Deal is distinguished by a strong network of partnerships with the largest real estate developers in Egypt, such as SODIC, Palm Hills, Emaar, Mountain View, and others, offering the best residential and commercial real estate options.
At Good Deal, we are committed to providing innovative real estate and investment consultations to help our clients achieve the highest investment returns, thanks to our experienced team with extensive knowledge of the real estate sector in Egypt.
Prime L10 - 13-Year Installment - Near Services .
(Highest Premium L010) on Main Street
Steps from Central Park
Booking December 2023
67m... 2nd floor repeated
Paid: 323,625
Total price including club: 3,616,880
Price difference from company: 2 million
Installment over 13 years
Monthly installments start from: 9,360
Annual installments start from: 93,600
About our company:
Good Deal Real Estate Investment Company was established in 2020 with the aim of providing exceptional investment and marketing solutions in the Egyptian real estate market. Good Deal is distinguished by a strong network of partnerships with the largest real estate developers in Egypt, such as SODIC, Palm Hills, Emaar, Mountain View, and others, offering the best residential and commercial real estate options.
At Good Deal, we are committed to providing innovative real estate and investment consultations to help our clients achieve the highest investment returns, thanks to our experienced team with extensive knowledge of the real estate sector in Egypt.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
721 sqft / 67 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 17% more than the average price of 1 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 3,082,201 EGP
This property is the same size as the average size of 1 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 67 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
Abd elrahman Maged

Good Deal
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2 months ago