EGP 10,500,000
4 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
5,382 sqft / 500 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN AL SHAHID BASIM AL KATEB ST., DOKKIDistinctive apartment for sale in Dokki
Details from the owner are as follows:
Area: 500 square meters.
Number of rooms: 4 bedrooms (including 2 master) + maid’s room.
Number of bathrooms: 4 bathrooms.
Tenth floor (last)
The apartment has been isolated internally and externally
Kitchen: with an area of 75 square meters
Reception: very large - 4 pieces.
The entire apartment is made of Spanish nail parquet
The doors are made of wood.
The apartment has two visible corners and is close to the Jordanian Embassy, Mesaha Square, and the State Council, and has a direct view of the Opera and the neighboring hotels.
A wonderful 500 sqm apartment in Dokki, Bassem Al-
Details from the owner are as follows:
Area: 500 square meters.
Number of rooms: 4 bedrooms (including 2 master) + maid’s room.
Number of bathrooms: 4 bathrooms.
Tenth floor (last)
The apartment has been isolated internally and externally
Kitchen: with an area of 75 square meters
Reception: very large - 4 pieces.
The entire apartment is made of Spanish nail parquet
The doors are made of wood.
The apartment has two visible corners and is close to the Jordanian Embassy, Mesaha Square, and the State Council, and has a direct view of the Opera and the neighboring hotels.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
5,382 sqft / 500 sqm

Price Insights
This property costs 61% less than the average price of 4 bedroom in Giza
Average Sale Price is 26,665,900 EGP
This property is 69% bigger than the average size of 4 bedroom in Giza
Average size is 296 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Giza
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2 months ago