EGP 8,500,000
3 Bedrooms + Maid
3 Bathrooms
2,476 sqft / 230 sqm
APARTMENT FOR SALE IN MOSADAK ST., DOKKIApartment for sale with luxurious hotel finishing, Mosadak Street, Dokki, 220 meters, Mosadak Street, Dokki, steps from the main district, Al-Dina Building, 2 elevators, very chic entrance, Italian marble, consisting of 3 rooms - 3 bathrooms - 3-piece reception - very large kitchen, fourth floor and the building has 11 floors, facing the street, wonderful view, a share in the land, ultra super deluxe hotel finishing ------------------------------------ Services Where Dokki residents are distinguished by the diverse Dokki area, it is distinct and distinguished, as the group of well-known schools and hospitals seek to ensure good and excellent health care for its residents. Among the modern language skills in the area, the Orman Experimental Language School, Narmer Language School, and Gamal Abdel Nasser Experimental Language School stand out, which partially form the distinguished educational structure in the area.
Apartment for sale with luxurious hotel finishing, Mosadak Street, Dokki, 220 meters, Mosadak Street, Dokki, steps from the main district, Al-Dina Building, 2 elevators, very chic entrance, Italian marble, consisting of 3 rooms - 3 bathrooms - 3-piece reception - very large kitchen, fourth floor and the building has 11 floors, facing the street, wonderful view, a share in the land, ultra super deluxe hotel finishing ------------------------------------ Services Where Dokki residents are distinguished by the diverse Dokki area, it is distinct and distinguished, as the group of well-known schools and hospitals seek to ensure good and excellent health care for its residents. Among the modern language skills in the area, the Orman Experimental Language School, Narmer Language School, and Gamal Abdel Nasser Experimental Language School stand out, which partially form the distinguished educational structure in the area.
Apartment for sale, luxurious, hotel-finished, Mos
Apartment for sale with luxurious hotel finishing, Mosadak Street, Dokki, 220 meters, Mosadak Street, Dokki, steps from the main district, Al-Dina Building, 2 elevators, very chic entrance, Italian marble, consisting of 3 rooms - 3 bathrooms - 3-piece reception - very large kitchen, fourth floor and the building has 11 floors, facing the street, wonderful view, a share in the land, ultra super deluxe hotel finishing ------------------------------------ Services Where Dokki residents are distinguished by the diverse Dokki area, it is distinct and distinguished, as the group of well-known schools and hospitals seek to ensure good and excellent health care for its residents. Among the modern language skills in the area, the Orman Experimental Language School, Narmer Language School, and Gamal Abdel Nasser Experimental Language School stand out, which partially form the distinguished educational structure in the area.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
2,476 sqft / 230 sqm
3 + Maid
Maids Room
Central A/C
Private Garden
Private Pool
Shared Pool
Shared Spa
Covered Parking

Price Insights
This property costs 25% more than the average price of 3 bedroom in Giza
Average Sale Price is 6,807,950 EGP
This property is 15% bigger than the average size of 3 bedroom in Giza
Average size is 200 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Giza
Provided by
Mouhammed Sammii

Future for Real Estate
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4 months ago
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