EGP 23,224,000

4 Bedrooms + Maid
4 Bathrooms
2,368 sqft / 220 sqm

Townhouse 220 m for sale with a Down payment 10%

Townhouses for sale in village west

Land area: 220 meters
Building area : 220 meters

Total price : 23,224,000

With a 10% down payment in installments over 5 years

Village West project website :
It is located 3 minutes from the hub of July 26
Two minutes of hyper one
The Village West project is also located near the Royal City compound
Cairo gate, affiliated to Emaar Misr
Village West compound has a private entrance from the desert road

Village West Sheikh Zayed project services :
Green areas and landscape
Water bodies
An integrated security system that includes surveillance cameras and fire extinguishing systems at the highest level of security
Commercial and entertainment areas
Village West compound includes medical clinics equipped with the latest equipment to receive all cases
Spacious, world - class swimming pools
Long and wide paths dedicated to cycling inside Village West compound

تاون هاوس للبيع في فليدج ويست

مساحه الارض: 220 متر
مساحة المباني : 220 متر

بسعر اجمالي : 23,224,000

بمقدم 10% تقسيط على 5 سنوات

موقع مشروع فيلدج ويست :
يقع على بعد 3 دقائق من محور 26 يوليو
دقيقتين من هايبر وان
كما يقع مشروع فيلدج ويست بالقرب من كمبوند رويال سيتي
كايرو جيت التابع لـ إعمار مصر
يمتلك كمبوند فيلدج ويست مدخل خاص من الطريق الصحراوي

خدمات مشروع فيلدج ويست الشيخ زايد :
مناطق الخضراء و الاند سكيب
مسطحات المائية
نظام امني متكامل يضم كاميرات مراقبة و انظمة اطفاء على اعلى مستوى من الامان
مناطق تجارية و الترفيهة
يضم كمبوند فيلدج ويست عيادات طبية مجهزة باحدث الاجهزة لاستقبال جميع الحالات
حمامات سباحة واسعة ومصممة على الطراز العالمي
مسارات طويلة وواسعة مخصصة لركوب الدراجات داخل كمبوند فيلدج ويست

Property details

Property Type


Property Size

2,368 sqft / 220 sqm


4 + Maid




Maids Room



Private Garden

Shared Spa


Covered Parking

View of Water

View of Landmark

Shared Gym


Map preview
Sheikh Zayed City
Community Insights

Price Range:

100K-911M EGP

Price Insights

This property costs 21% more than the average price of 4 bedroom in Giza

Average Sale Price is 19,230,325 EGP

This property is 19% smaller than the average size of 4 bedroom in Giza

Average size is 273 sqm

The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Giza

Provided by

Nourhan Ali

Arcana Real Estate

See all properties (460)

Regulatory information
Regulatory information




4 days ago

Payment method

Cash or  Installments

Down payment

2,322,400 EGP