EGP 93,000,000
7 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
4,844 sqft / 450 sqm
VILLA FOR SALE IN KAFR ABDO, ROUSHDYFor rent - for embassies - and major agencies - an administrative headquarters in Kafr Abdo
Villa on an area of 620 square meters of land
Garden and 3 floors of buildings on an area of 400 square meters
Private elevator inside the villa
A garage that can accommodate 5 trucks, attached to a driver’s room and bathroom
Super deluxe finishing
Required: 225,000 thousand per month
To contact: 01100997779
For rent for embassies and major agencies
Villa on an area of 620 square meters of land
Garden and 3 floors of buildings on an area of 400 square meters
Private elevator inside the villa
A garage that can accommodate 5 trucks, attached to a driver’s room and bathroom
Super deluxe finishing
Required: 225,000 thousand per month
To contact: 01100997779
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
4,844 sqft / 450 sqm
Covered Parking
Lobby in Building

Price Insights
This property costs 175% more than the average price of 7 bedroom in Alexandria
Average Sale Price is 33,848,318 EGP
This property is 45% bigger than the average size of 7 bedroom in Alexandria
Average size is 310 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Alexandria
Provided by
mayada elgradieny

Turky Real Estate
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