EGP 31,000,000
4 Bedrooms + Maid
4 Bathrooms
3,401 sqft / 316 sqm
VILLA FOR SALE IN MADINATYStandalone villa for sale in Madinaty Model K
With a land area of 498 m - building area of 316 m
The villa is modern and its location is very special near the services area of the phase and minutes away from the strip mall area
Its division (3 bedrooms, including a master bedroom - living room - 2 additional bathrooms - reception 3 pieces - kitchen - guest bathroom - nanny room in the bathroom - nanny room with its own bathroom
The villa is very close to South Park Madinaty
Finishing condition Floors Indian and Spanish porcelain 2.40 * 1.20 Walls Open Book Bathrooms Porcelain suspended ceilings and has a swimming pool license
Standalone villaSpecial Finishing Model K
With a land area of 498 m - building area of 316 m
The villa is modern and its location is very special near the services area of the phase and minutes away from the strip mall area
Its division (3 bedrooms, including a master bedroom - living room - 2 additional bathrooms - reception 3 pieces - kitchen - guest bathroom - nanny room in the bathroom - nanny room with its own bathroom
The villa is very close to South Park Madinaty
Finishing condition Floors Indian and Spanish porcelain 2.40 * 1.20 Walls Open Book Bathrooms Porcelain suspended ceilings and has a swimming pool license
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
3,401 sqft / 316 sqm
4 + Maid
Maids Room
Private Garden

Price Insights
This property costs 1% more than the average price of 4 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 30,592,698 EGP
This property is the same size as the average size of 4 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 313 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
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2 months ago