Ask for price
6 Bedrooms + Maid
6 Bathrooms
6,727 sqft / 625 sqm
VILLA FOR SALE IN SAADA COMPOUND, NEW CAIRO CITYStandalone at Saada Compound in Fifth Settlement by Horizon Development Company
With a 5% down payment and 5% after 3 months
Land area: 744 m
Building area : 625 m
6 bedrooms
6 bathrooms
Delivered : 3 years
Saada Compound, Fifth Settlement, in the heart of New Cairo, is one of the most prominent projects of Horizon Egypt Developments, on an area of 370 acres in the heart of the Fifth Settlement. The compound is distinguished by the fact that it includes a large number of diverse residential units in terms of area and in terms of different types of units that meet all needs .
It is located near the most important landmarks such as: Mohamed Naguib Axis, Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, the Ring Road, the American University, Cairo International Airport, and the New Administrative Capital.
The Fifth Square project is only 20 minutes away from Heliopolis.
Compound Fifth Square New Cairo is located just 5 minutes from the American University.
Only three minutes separate Al-Rehab City from Al-Marasem Project, Fifth Settlement.
Al Marasem Fifth Square Compound is only approximately 10 minutes away from the Downtown area and Cairo Festival.
Five Square Compound is located only 45 minutes from Suez Road.
Standalone with Downpayment 5% Over 6 Years
With a 5% down payment and 5% after 3 months
Land area: 744 m
Building area : 625 m
6 bedrooms
6 bathrooms
Delivered : 3 years
Saada Compound, Fifth Settlement, in the heart of New Cairo, is one of the most prominent projects of Horizon Egypt Developments, on an area of 370 acres in the heart of the Fifth Settlement. The compound is distinguished by the fact that it includes a large number of diverse residential units in terms of area and in terms of different types of units that meet all needs .
It is located near the most important landmarks such as: Mohamed Naguib Axis, Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, the Ring Road, the American University, Cairo International Airport, and the New Administrative Capital.
The Fifth Square project is only 20 minutes away from Heliopolis.
Compound Fifth Square New Cairo is located just 5 minutes from the American University.
Only three minutes separate Al-Rehab City from Al-Marasem Project, Fifth Settlement.
Al Marasem Fifth Square Compound is only approximately 10 minutes away from the Downtown area and Cairo Festival.
Five Square Compound is located only 45 minutes from Suez Road.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
6,727 sqft / 625 sqm
6 + Maid
Maids Room
Central A/C
Private Garden
Private Pool
Shared Pool
Shared Spa
Covered Parking

Price Insights
This property costs 81% more than the average price of 6 bedroom in Cairo
Average Sale Price is 45,751,386 EGP
This property is 20% bigger than the average size of 6 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 523 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
Everline Real Estate

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2 months ago
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