EGP 30,000 /month
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
883 sqft / 82 sqm
APARTMENT FOR RENT IN MADINATYFurnished apartment for rent directly from the owner, 82 meters / for luxury - sea view, rocket air, wide garden, Champs-Elysees Street, and the club, very close to the service center, bus stop, and food court. Two-piece reception and camera (All pillows, bed sheets, towels, spoons, forks, cooking pots set, and frying pans set are renewed for each tenant with new ones in their box)) LG 4k smart 55 screen and a paid subscription to (bein sport), osn, and netflix - system
Alexa in the entire apartment and control all devices from the mobile and Alexa application - Smart apartment door lock with face and fingerprint and opens with the application - Lighting sensors and motion sensors in all the apartment furniture - Chairs and massage pillows
Doctor with the Siatcho system - Cafe Corner from the original Nespresso espresso machine, Turkish and French coffee machine, a foam machine for Nescafe and iced coffee, an American digital coffee machine with a timer, and a device for tea and herbs, Digi
Egg cooker with timer, pancake, crepe, waffle maker, sandwich maker - Philips air fryer - fully air conditioned, hot and cold - remote control air fresheners - all batteries are rechargeable and battery recharger - Stary
Hot air hand dryer and dental tool holder - Popcorn maker - Post-rental maintenance service throughout the contract period - The apartment's aluminum glass is covered with super dark film to isolate light and heat - Mosquito zapper - No
device Mosquito killer - Charcoal igniter. Fingerprint stove - Jacuzzi and foot spa - Bread maker - Electric rice and Indomie pot. Yogurt maker with timer
View Wide Garden Bahri Frank
Videos are available showing all the features of the apartment.
82m hotel furnished with all amenities B7
Alexa in the entire apartment and control all devices from the mobile and Alexa application - Smart apartment door lock with face and fingerprint and opens with the application - Lighting sensors and motion sensors in all the apartment furniture - Chairs and massage pillows
Doctor with the Siatcho system - Cafe Corner from the original Nespresso espresso machine, Turkish and French coffee machine, a foam machine for Nescafe and iced coffee, an American digital coffee machine with a timer, and a device for tea and herbs, Digi
Egg cooker with timer, pancake, crepe, waffle maker, sandwich maker - Philips air fryer - fully air conditioned, hot and cold - remote control air fresheners - all batteries are rechargeable and battery recharger - Stary
Hot air hand dryer and dental tool holder - Popcorn maker - Post-rental maintenance service throughout the contract period - The apartment's aluminum glass is covered with super dark film to isolate light and heat - Mosquito zapper - No
device Mosquito killer - Charcoal igniter. Fingerprint stove - Jacuzzi and foot spa - Bread maker - Electric rice and Indomie pot. Yogurt maker with timer
View Wide Garden Bahri Frank
Videos are available showing all the features of the apartment.
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
883 sqft / 82 sqm
Kitchen Appliances
View of Landmark
Lobby in Building

Price Insights
This property costs 22% more than the average price of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average Rent is 24,500 EGP
This property is 9% smaller than the average size of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 90 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
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New Cairo
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1 month ago
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