EGP 50,000 /month
شقه مفروشه للإيجار بجاردن حى الرحاب
مطبخ بأجهزة LG و سامسونج
حمام بوحده مساج و غساله بمجفف Lg و سخان ناعم الصوت
و غرفه ماستر تطل على منظر مبدع بحيث تكون نائم و تري جنينه كبيره وتحت منك شجر و اعلاك نخل و فيها إضاءات مختلفه حتى انك ترى النجوم تتلألئ في السقف وانت نائم
و غرفه تطل على حديقتين بيها سريرين مضاءين بديكور جميل بسقف فيه إضاءات مختلفه معه ريموت كنترول تتحكم فيه و انت نائم
و دولاب زجاجي على الموضه مضاء داخليا
و ريسبشن به أحدث و اجمل موبيليا بحائط حجري مرسوم عليه مادونا بامضاء رسام مشهور
و تلفزيون سمارت وواي فاي و بلكونه يحلى فيها الفطار مع منظر الخضره الجميل على احلى حدائق الرحاب
سنه...الدفع كل ٣ شهور ب٦٠ الف جنيه للشهر
لو الدفع مقدم ل٦ شهور من السنه يبقى الشهر ب ٥٧.٥ الف جنيه
لو الدفع مقدم يبقى السنه ب ٥٥ الف جنيه
التأمين شهرين مقدم لكن كلها تأجير سنوي
بدون اطفال صغيره مجموعه ٩٥ Furnished apartment, high super deluxe, 90 meters, in the condo, first floor, on the most beautiful gardens of Rehab
Kitchen with LG and Samsung appliances
Bathroom with massage unit, washing machine with LG dryer, and soft-sound heater
And a master bedroom overlooking a creative view so that you are asleep and see a large garden with trees below you and palm trees above you and different lights so that you can see the stars sparkling on the ceiling while you are sleeping
And a room overlooking two gardens with two beds lit with a beautiful decor with a ceiling with different lights with a remote control that you can control while you are sleeping
And a fashionable glass closet with internal lighting
And a reception with the latest and most beautiful furniture with a stone wall painted with Madonna by a famous artist
And a smart TV and Wi-Fi and a balcony where breakfast is nice with a beautiful view of the greenery on the most beautiful gardens of Rehab
A year...payment every 3 months for 60 thousand pounds per month
If payment is made in advance for 6 months of the year, the month will be 57.5 thousand pounds
If payment is made in
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
969 sqft / 90 sqm
Available from
19 Mar 2025
Central A/C
Private Garden
Covered Parking
Built in Wardrobes
Kitchen Appliances

Price Insights
This property costs 9% less than the average price of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average Rent is 55,000 EGP
This property is 32% smaller than the average size of 2 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 133 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by
محمد إبراهيم

See all properties (256)Regulatory information
Regulatory information
22 hours ago
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