EGP 55,000 /month
Fully furnished Apartment First use 3bed for rent
Apartment for rent in
Galleria Moon Valley
3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
Fully furnished
1th floor
First use
Price: 55k
Global Real Estate
* Your great real estate agent will guide you through your home search with an unbiased eye and help you achieve your purchasing goals while staying within your budget.
* Our goal is to achieve success and create new standards in real estate investment through high levels of experience and creativity. Therefore, if you are ready to invest or want to buy a residential or commercial property, we are always here for you to ensure that your plans turn into reality.
* Trust is the main factor we have to offer you when it comes to buying or renting
Property details
Property Type
Property Size
2,099 sqft / 195 sqm
Available from
15 Mar 2025
Central A/C
Shared Pool
Built in Wardrobes
Kitchen Appliances
Shared Gym
Children's Pool

Price Insights
This property costs 3% less than the average price of 3 bedroom in Cairo
Average Rent is 56,750 EGP
This property is 11% bigger than the average size of 3 bedroom in Cairo
Average size is 175 sqm
The data displayed is based on average prices and sizes of all listings that were live on Property Finder in Cairo
Provided by

nariman nariman

Global Constraction
See all properties (568)Regulatory information
Regulatory information
Galleria moon 50x
3 days ago
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