15Hotel Apartment4,940,300 EGPDown payment: 247,015 EGPLive with 5% down payment - Landmark - Nasr CityDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 3 2 127 sqm
9Hotel Apartment4,317,900 EGPDown payment: 215,895 EGPApartment 5% DP- Degla Landmark - Nasr CityDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 2 111 sqm
10Hotel Apartment4,084,500 EGPDown payment: 204,225 EGPApartment 5% DP - Degla Landmark - Nasr CityDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 2 105 sqm
10Hotel Apartment5,057,000 EGPDown payment: 252,850 EGPApartment ViewPool 130- Degla Landmark - Nasr CityDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 3 3 130 sqm
12Hotel Apartment10,000,000 EGPشقة للبيع احمد فخري استثمار رائع فيو حديقة الطفلAhmed Fakhry St., 6th Zone, Nasr City, Cairo 3 3 250 sqm
9Hotel Apartment9,000,000 EGPduplex \ fully finished with airconditionAmaer Madinet Nasr Road, 10th District, Nasr City, Cairo 3 3 300 sqm
8Hotel Apartment3,734,400 EGPDown payment: 186,720 EGPافضل فرصه شقه بمقدم5%-لاند مارك - المرشدي جروبDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 1 96 sqm
8Hotel Apartment3,734,400 EGPDown payment: 186,720 EGPافضل فرصه شقه بمقدم5%-لاند مارك - المرشدي جروبDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 1 96 sqm
6Hotel Apartment3,581,828 EGPDown payment: 179,091 EGPبمقدم 5% هتمتلك وحدتك-دجله لاند مارك-مدينة نصرDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 1 92 sqm
7Hotel Apartment4,049,136 EGPDown payment: 202,458 EGPبمقدم 5% هتمتلك افضل شقه فندقيه-لاند مارك-MORSHEDYDegla Landmark, Nasr City Compounds, Nasr City, Cairo 2 1 104 sqm