10Hotel Apartment17,500,000 EGPResale unit 173m fully finished +AC -ready to moveAeon, 6 October Compounds, 6 October City, Giza 2 3 173 sqm
5Hotel Apartment17,000,000 EGPfurnished hotel apartment in Aeon Towers compoundAeon, 6 October Compounds, 6 October City, Giza 2 2 160 sqm
6Hotel Apartment17,000,000 EGPhotel apartment in Aeon Towers marakez compoundAeon, 6 October Compounds, 6 October City, Giza 2 3 174 sqm
5Hotel Apartment12,500,000 EGPHotel apartment with a competitive priceAeon, 6 October Compounds, 6 October City, Giza 2 3 160 sqm
10Hotel Apartment17,450,000 EGPApartment October AEON Towers fully finishedAeon, 6 October Compounds, 6 October City, Giza 2 3 174 sqm